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You Might Be Wondering...

Below is information about Lockwood. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us at 517-279-7536 or email We'd love to hear from you!

Who We Are

Image by Ben White

What We Believe

We believe that God exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one God. We further believe that God speaks to us through his word, the Bible. It is without error in its original manuscripts, and on it, we base our faith. We believe that the universe, including man, was created by God and was good. But because of sin, man has been separated from God and the universe made captive to decay. Jesus Christ's death on the cross is God's remedy for man's sin. When we repent of our sins and believe on Jesus Christ, God forgives us and grants us new life. We observe the ordinances of baptism and of the Lord's Supper in obedience to the commands of Christ. We realize that they are not effective in themselves and the mechanical act itself does not bring grace. We also believe that Jesus will return in bodily form to take those who believe in him to live with him forever in heaven. Every person will be judged for what he has done during his life and those who have not received Jesus Christ will face eternal death in a literal hell.

Lockwood's Tenets Of Faith



Our Vision

A People Committed to: Christ, Christlikeness, Each Other, the World.

Why We Exist

We believe that the church exists to bring God glory (Eph. 1:6) and that we may do so by EXALTING God in worship, by EDIFYING one another, by EVANGELIZING our community and world and by EQUIPPING ourselves for God's service.


What To Expect

Some people find their first visit to a new church a little intimidating, so we’ve tried to answer a few frequently asked questions to help you feel more comfortable. 

Image by Brett Jordan


What should I wear?

You see everything at Lockwood, from shorts and jeans to casual business attire and – occasionally – even a suit. So dress up, if you want – or not. We think you'll fit in no matter how you dress.


Where should I park?

Parking is in the rear of the church. From Lockwood Road, turn onto Sanford Road, which runs along the west end of the property and directly into the parking area. Handicap parking is available in the main parking area nearest the entrance doors or in the front of the church.


Am I expected to put money in the offering?

There is no pressure at Lockwood to give money. Our emphasis is on worshiping God by giving ourselves – any money we give is a token of this better offering. When you come to consider Lockwood your church home, prayerfully consider how and what God wants you to give.


I have hearing problems. Is there any special assistance?

Yes! For those who are hearing impaired, we have special hearing devices that you can wear that will allow you to control the volume. If you think this would be beneficial to you, you will find them on the back wall of the auditorium.


What is a Lockwood service like?

Our services last about an hour and include a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs. A praise team will lead the way, with the lyrics projected on screens at the front of the auditorium so it's easy to follow along, even if you aren't familiar with the songs. Each week the sermon unfolds biblical truth in interesting and relevant ways. On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate “The Lord’s Supper.” We practice an “open communion” – that is, you don’t need to be an LCC member – and invite anyone who is a sincere follower of Jesus to participate with us.


What kind of people attend Lockwood?

LCC is a diverse, multi-generational church. It doesn’t matter what your faith background, race, ethnicity, or economic status happens to be; you’ll be welcomed here. We accept people wherever they are in life, so our church is filled with people just like you.


What denomination is Lockwood?

Lockwood is non-denominational. We come from a wide variety of church backgrounds and (sometimes) from no church background at all.


What Bible version is used?

People use a wide variety of translations, but Pastor Kevin teaches from the NIV (New International Version). If you don't have your own Bible, we have some available to use as you enter the auditorium – or you can follow along with the scripture text projected on the screens at the front of the auditorium.

Lockwood Community Church



202 E Lockwood Rd

Coldwater, MI 49036

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